Dear alumni/ae, faculty, and friends of the Department of History,
We ended an academic year that was rich in accomplishments and challenges.
The Department of History continues to thrive. Faculty and graduate students have garnered numerous competitive fellowships and prizes, our graduate students have been very successful in securing extramural dissertation fellowships, and this year, we have four retirements of faculty who have been pillars of the department through their teaching, research, and service.
The past academic year had its challenges. World events impacted our campus and highlighted the important societal role we play as historians in and beyond the classroom.
We are grateful to all our supporters, particularly the History Associates, who have provided much needed funds for our graduate students.
Congratulations to our graduates! I wish everybody a restful and productive summer. Keep in touch, especially if you are an alumnus or alumna; we would love to hear from you and report on your successes.